Panukeur Panas Rotary

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Fitur utama tina exchanger panas rotary:
1. Efisiensi tinggi tina pamulihan panas akal atanapi entalpi
2. Sistem segel labirin ganda mastikeun kabocoran hawa minimal.
3. Usaha beberesih diri manjangan siklus jasa, ngirangan biaya perawatan.
4. Sektor purge ganda ngaminimalkeun takeover tina hawa buang kana aliran udara pasokan.
5. Hirup-waktos-lubricated bantalan teu kedah perawatan dina panggunaan normal.
6. Juru bicara interior digunakeun pikeun mékanis ngabeungkeut laminasi rotor pikeun nguatkeun roda.
7. Rentang jangkauan diaméter rotor ti 500mm dugi ka 5000mm, rotor tiasa dipotong janten 1pc dugi ka 24 pcs kanggo transportasi anu gampang, sababaraha jinis konstruksi perumahan sayogi ogé.
8. Parangkat lunak pamilihan kanggo pilihan anu merenah.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Prinsip Gawe:

Rotary heat exchanger diwangun ku kabayang panas alveolate, kasus, sistem drive sareng bagian panyegelan. Knalpot na hawa luar ngaliwatan satengah tina roda nyalira, nalika puteran muter, panas sareng Uap ditukeurkeun antara knalpot na hawa luar. Efisiensi recovery énergi dugi ka 70% dugi ka 90%.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Bahan Roda:


Kabayang panas anu masuk akal dilakukeun ku foil aluminium anu kandelna 0,05mm. Sareng total kabayang panas didamel ku foil aluminium dilapis ku ayakan molekul 3A anu kandelna 0,04mm.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%


Exchanger panas Rotary tiasa diwangun dina unit penanganan hawa (AHU) salaku bagian utami tina bagian pamulihan panas. Biasana panel sisi casing exchanger henteu diperyogikeun, kecuali bypass anu parantos disetél dina AHU.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Éta ogé tiasa dipasang dina saluran sistem ventilasi salaku bagian utami tina bagian pamulihan panas, dihubungkeun ku flange. Dina hal ieu, panel sisi exchanger perlu pikeun nyegah kabocoran.

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