Pöörlevad soojusvahetid

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Pöördsoojusvaheti peamised omadused:
1. Mõistliku või entalpiaga soojuse taastamise kõrge efektiivsus
2. Kahekordne labürindi tihendussüsteem tagab minimaalse õhulekke.
3. Isepuhastuv tegevus pikendab hooldustsüklit, vähendades hoolduskulusid.
4. Topeltpuhastussektor minimeerib heitõhu ülekande sissepuhkeõhuvoolu.
5. Eluaeg määritud laager ei vaja tavapärase kasutamise korral hooldust.
6. Sisekodareid kasutatakse rootori lamineerimise mehaaniliseks sidumiseks ratta tugevdamiseks.
7. Täielik rootori läbimõõdu vahemik 500–5000 mm, rootori saab hõlpsaks transportimiseks lõigata 1–24 tk. Saadaval on ka erinevat tüüpi elamuehitus.
8. Valikutarkvara mugavaks valimiseks.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%


Pöördsoojusvaheti koosneb alveolaatsoojuse rattast, korpusest, ajamisüsteemist ja tihendosadest. Heit- ja välisõhk läbivad poole rattast eraldi, ratta pöörlemisel vahetatakse soojust ja niiskust heitgaasi ja välisõhu vahel. Energia taaskasutamise efektiivsus on kuni 70% kuni 90%.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

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Mõistlik kuumaratas on valmistatud 0,05 mm paksustest alumiiniumfooliumidest. Ja kogu soojusratta valmistavad alumiiniumfooliumid, mis on kaetud 0,04 mm paksuse 3A molekulaarsõelaga.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%


Pöördsoojusvaheti saab soojustagastussektsiooni põhiosa sisse ehitada õhukäitlusseadme (AHU). Tavaliselt pole soojusvaheti korpuse külgpaneel vajalik, välja arvatud see, et möödaviik on seadistatud seadmesse.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Seda saab paigaldada ka ventilatsioonisüsteemi kanalitesse soojustagastussektsiooni põhiosana, mis on ühendatud äärikuga. Sellisel juhul on lekke vältimiseks vajalik soojusvaheti külgpaneel.

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