Rotacijski izmenjevalniki toplote

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Glavne značilnosti rotacijskega izmenjevalnika toplote:
1. Visoka učinkovitost smiselne ali entalpijske rekuperacije toplote
2. Dvojni labirintni tesnilni sistem zagotavlja minimalno uhajanje zraka.
3. Samočistilna prizadevanja podaljšajo servisni cikel in zmanjšajo stroške vzdrževanja.
4. Sektor dvojne odzračevanja zmanjša prenos izpušnega zraka v dovodni zračni tok.
5. Vztrajno podmazani ležaj pri običajni uporabi ne zahteva vzdrževanja.
6. Notranje napere se uporabljajo za mehansko vezavo plasti plasti rotorja za ojačitev kolesa.
7. Dokončan obseg premera rotorja od 500 mm do 5000 mm, rotor lahko razrežemo na 1 kos do 24 kosov za lažji transport, na voljo so tudi različne vrste stanovanjskih konstrukcij.
8. Izbirna programska oprema za priročen izbor.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Načelo dela:

Rotacijski izmenjevalnik toplote je sestavljen iz alveolatnega toplotnega kolesa, ohišja, pogonskega sistema in tesnilnih delov. Izpušni in zunanji zrak prehajata skozi polovico kolesa ločeno, ko se kolo vrti, se toplota in vlaga izmenjujeta med izpušnim in zunanjim zrakom. Učinkovitost pridobivanja energije znaša do 70% do 90%.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Kolesni materiali:


Občutljivo toplotno kolo izdelujejo aluminijaste folije debeline 0,05 mm. Skupno toplotno kolo je narejeno iz aluminijastih folij, prevlečenih z 3A molekularnim sitom debeline 0,04 mm.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%


Rotacijski izmenjevalnik toplote je lahko vgrajen v prezračevalno enoto (AHU) kot glavni del odseka za rekuperacijo toplote. Običajno je stranska plošča ohišja izmenjevalnika nepotrebna, le da je obvod nastavljen v AHU.

Main features of rotary heat exchanger 1. High efficiency of sensible or enthalpy heat recovery 2. Double labyrinth sealing system ensures minimal air leakage. 3. Self-cleaning efforts prolong service cycle, reducing maintenance cost. 4. Double purge sector minimizes carryover from exhaust air into supply air stream. 5. Life-time-lubricated bearing requires no maintenance under normal usage. 6. Interior spokes are used to mechanically bond the rotor's laminations to reinforce the wheel. 7. Completed range of rotor diameter from 500mm to 5000mm, rotor can be cut into 1pc to 24pcs for easy transportation, various types of housing construction is available as well. 8. Selection software for convenient selection. Working Principle Rotary heat exchanger is composed of alveolate heat wheel, case, drive system and sealing parts. The exhaust and outdoor air pass through half of the wheel separately, when the wheel rotates, the heat and moisture are exchanged between the exhaust and outdoor air. The energy recovery efficiency is up to 70% to 90%

Lahko ga vgradimo tudi v kanale prezračevalnega sistema kot glavni del odseka za rekuperacijo toplote, povezan s prirobnico. V tem primeru je za preprečevanje puščanja potrebna stranska plošča izmenjevalnika.

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